If you work in an office or have a job that is often sedentary, it is even more vital to stay hydrated. Make the resolution to drink more water this year- and start with frequent visits to your office water cooler! Your office water dispenser makes it easy to drink more water and stay hydrated throughout the workday.
Resolve to stay hydrated with these tips that help you drink more water:
Time for Tea
A great way to drink more water is to add a tea-bag- drink more tea! When buying tea, look for non-caffeinated or herbal varieties. Caffeine is a stimulant and it can be very dehydrating so limit your intake of caffeinated beverages when you are trying to hydrate; this includes coffee, caffeinated teas, soft drinks, and energy drinks.
Start a Routine
Make a habit of filling your cup or drinking a swig of water after an email, before a phone call, or on your way back and forth in the office. Start a hydration routine and keep track; use a grid or tracker to indicate how many ounces of water you are drinking daily. There are numerous opinions on the precise amount of water that a person should have, but most agree that it is no less than eight 8-ounce glasses (64 fluid ounces) per day. Increase this amount if you engage in rigorous physical activity or live in a warmer climate.
Bring a Bottle
It is more convenient to drink more water when you have a vessel to fill at the water dispenser. Invest in a non-toxic, eco-friendly refillable bottle that you can keep at your desk or workspace. Treat yourself to a second one at home so that measuring the among of water you consume is simple.
Experiment with Infusions
Change things up by infusing your water at work or home. For instance, a squeeze of fresh orange, lemon, or lime can give you a boost of Vitamin C when your energy begins to wane; a few slices of cucumber can transform your bottle into spa water, which is very refreshing on a hot day.
Know that the quality of water that you drink is as important as the amount that you consume. When you choose to drink more water, don’t risk your wellbeing with contaminants and chemicals in city or tap water. Use your office water dispenser during work hours and consider implementing a filter system or water dispenser at home, too.
Arctic Coolers, Inc. is a leader in the bottle-less water cooler industry since 1986 with clients located throughout the Mid-Atlantic and beyond, including PA, NJ, DE, MD, Southern NY, and Northern VA. Our founder took pride in offering innovative technology and cutting-edge customer service to our valued clients and consumers. Make this the year you drink more water.