6 Tips to Design an L-Shaped Kitchen Layout

One of the most popular kitchen interior designs in India is the L-shaped kitchen. This kitchen design makes use of space efficiently and maximises your workspace. It will allow you to store all the essential items within your hand’s reach so that you can easily access them while cooking. Further, this kitchen design is famous because it makes the interiors appear more spacious than other types. People with small home designs can benefit from choosing an L-shaped modular kitchen. Further, their versatile look makes them an ideal choice for all types of home designs. You can also customise its design and build it around any large window or door in the kitchen. If you are not sure about how to create a great L-shaped modular kitchen design, here are a few tips that will help you:

01 of 06 Create the working triangle

There are a few basic rules for designing your kitchen decor. One of them is creating a working triangle. Whenever you design a kitchen, the working triangle should be created for your convenience. The working triangle helps to save time and effort. According to the working triangle, the three most important elements of the kitchen are the refrigerator, the hob, and the sink. You should very strategically place them in a manner that the pathway connecting these three points forms a triangle. It is done because people tend to move between three points frequently while cooking. This design will make moving between these points more convenient. 

02 of 06 Take traffic flow into account

You will have to plan your modular L-shaped kitchen design properly to ensure traffic moves freely. This is because the kitchen is a busy place where people can frequently enter to get water, grab snacks, or take something out of the refrigerator. As a result, they might enter the cooking zone time and again. To prevent this from happening, you will have to position all the elements in a manner that the traffic does not come near to the cooking zone. Make sure you consider the exit and entry points. You will have to put some thought into deciding where you should place the table or island as well. 

03 of 06 Add a kitchen island 

If your L-shaped modular kitchen is not fitted in a very narrow space, you can consider installing a kitchen island. Kitchen islands are a great addition to L-shaped modular kitchens. You can place it parallelly opposite the longer kitchen platform. This will help to complement the look of an L-shaped modular kitchen. Moreover, adding a kitchen island to an L-shaped kitchen proves to be very beneficial. This is because L-shaped kitchens do not have a lot of countertop space and kitchen islands can offer additional countertop space for prep work. If you do not have sufficient cabinets or drawers in the kitchens for storage, the island can be used for creating additional storage space as well. 

04 of 06 You can opt for customised features

Your needs may differ from the needs of others. Hence, your kitchen design needs to be different from the kitchen design of the rest of the people. This is where customised features prove to be beneficial. Depending on your requirements, you can get each and every part of your L-shaped modular kitchen customised. This includes the cabinets, drawers, shelves, cupboards, etc. As a result, you can create a kitchen design that not only makes your cooking experience more convenient but also reflects your personality. Hence, cooking will not feel like a boring task anymore.

05 of 06 Add tall units 

If you want your kitchen to appear spacious, you will have to come up with unique designing ideas. A common technique used by experts for making even small kitchens appear larger is opting for tall units. Tall units are great for increasing the storage capacity of the kitchen because they make use of vertical space instead of floor space. As a result, your kitchen decor does not appear smaller even when you increase its storage capacity. Moreover, they can easily accommodate a lot of things and will help to reduce clutter on your countertops. 

06 of 06 Opt for suitable corner storage solutions

Since you have an L-shaped modular kitchen, you will definitely be using one of the corners in your kitchen. Make sure you plan the coroner space properly. This is because if you do not opt for the right storage unit, it might not open or close properly. Also, it might appear awkward and reduce the appeal of your kitchen interior design. Instead, opt for storage solutions specifically designed for making use of the corner space effectively. They will allow you to access the stored items easily and elevate the look of your kitchen design.


Paul Petersen